
Founders, let AI handle

your User Stories

Don’t waste time writing User Stories for your feature by hand. Product Forge free you up to focus on what matters.

Works with the tools your team already uses

Learn how Product Forge connects with your apps

How does Product Forge help your startup team?

Scale without adding head count

Achieve more without needing to increase team size.

Boost team productivity & collaboration

Create Stories directly from conversations or co-create them in the powerful team-based editor.

Free up time for mission-critical work

Spend 90% less time grinding out stories so you can spend more time helping your customers.

Eliminate Bottlenecks & Headaches

Streamline workflows to free up hours for strategic priorities and growth.

Powered by the most trusted names in AI

Powered by the most trusted names in AI

We built Product Forge with industry-leaders in AI. That means you can rely on secure, cutting-edge models that deliver detailed, accurate user stories—without the guesswork.

We built Product Forge with industry-leaders in AI. That means you can rely on secure, cutting-edge models that deliver detailed, accurate user stories—without the guesswork.


Why not just use ChatGPT/Claude/Other LLM solution?

Can I customize the User Stories generated by Product Forge?

Is Product Forge only for Scrum teams?

How secure is my data?

How does pricing work?


Why not just use ChatGPT/Claude/Other LLM solution?

Can I customize the User Stories generated by Product Forge?

Is Product Forge only for Scrum teams?

How secure is my data?

How does pricing work?


Why not just use ChatGPT/Claude/Other LLM solution?

Can I customize the User Stories generated by Product Forge?

Is Product Forge only for Scrum teams?

How secure is my data?

How does pricing work?

Start with a 14-day free trial of Pro.

Start with a 14-day free trial of Pro.

Start with a 14-day free trial of Pro.